Boots Anyone? The rain in our area has me wondering if thigh high wading boots will be a necessary part of my wardrobe on a daily basis.
The rivers are flooding the plains, the retention basins are spilling over into the parking lots, and the wooded pathways are freely flowing over with the dark waters from the lagoons bringing with it birds we very rarely see the likes of, because they too, are seeking higher ground.
Add to that a moral dilema that has me disappointed in someone I helped and trusted and I feel more than a little bit blue today if not soggy as well.
Bella and I will traipse through these rough days in hopes that everything that seems murky, dark and damp will shimmer and glisten in the sun's rays when it decides to show its face.
In the meantime, I think I will pull out my Pan Pastels and color my world a bit brighter in hopes that waters will soon reside and we can both go out and play in our garden of delight.
Hang on everyone, the life raft will be along soon......I promise.....
Laura Anne and Bella Boo
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