
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wonder "Full" Holidays

So here we are, the end of one year, the beginning of another. 

I can't believe how much  my life has changed nor how much our three grandsons have grown in one year.

They are walking, beginner talking little wonders with big smiles, big hugs and most of all, big personalities.  They are my joy, my bliss, my creative muses.

They are just like their grandma.

They love to color, paint, and throw their sippy cups on the kitchen floor.

I love to color, paint and throw the ball to Bella, my puppy, on the kitchen floor.

As they continue to grow and change, I am dedicated to making more fun, more art, and even more music.  

My stamping has slowed down as has my time, but this year I am dedicated to making sure that more creative time is put aside so that I have time to play and dream and make.

2014 is the year!  Take the vow, make yourself a promise that you will find time to do what you love!  

Life is short, so make it wide!

Happy New Year to all my friends, family and acquaintances!  Thank you for being a part of my life!

Laura Anne and Bella Boo, the cutest puppy in my home